Wednesday, February 14, 2024

My genre!!

 The genre I pick is..... coming of age!!! Me and my partner decided to do this one because it seem like a really fun genre! At first I was thinking of horror and thriller butttt when I talk to my partner about I realize maybe it wasn't the best one to do. So we decided to pick coming of age. I think we can do a lot with it and I'm really excited to do this genre. I'm going to start doing research on this genre so I can get a brand idea on what I can do for my film opening.

So for coming of age genre, I know that usually these stories are based on teens or young adults. What I know is that in this type of genre it shows the growth of these teens, I'm not so sure on what story I'm going to do so I'm planning to watch some movies that's based on coming of age genre, Although I want to also talk about it with my partner. Unfortunately My partner is out again but I will be contacting her to talk about what we can start doing, sooooo were going to talk about it more next week when we really start to develop the story.

So coming of age is when the protagonist goes from their youth to their adult hood, I don't want to have a film opening of those stereotypical coming of age, I want to do something different and more unique. This genre can be very boring if effort is not put into it, so I'm really planning to make the film opening something different and attention grabbing. 


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